See the image below for details.ĭebra Dalgleish has a great post and video with a few additional tips to Clear Excel Fitlers with a Single Click over at the Contextures blog. If no filters are applied then the button is grayed out (disabled). If any filters are applied to the filter range, then the Clear Filter button in the QAT will show color (enabled). This is the most important benefit to me. Use the button to visually see if any filters are applied.See my articles on how to setup the Quick Access Toolbar and how to use the QAT's keyboard shortcuts for instructions on this. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to press the buttons in the QAT. If you are a mouse user this means you don't have to navigate to the Data menu to access the button. You can quickly press the button in the QAT to clear the filters.It serves two purposes that are very helpful. I add the Clear Filter button to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) and would highly recommend that you do this. Again, this is a combination of the Alt+Down Arrow to open the filter menu, then the letter “C” to clear the filter. Page Up/Down to jump to first/last item in view.Īlt+Down Arrow+C will clear the filters in the selected column.You can then use the following shortcuts to navigate and select the checkboxes. Once you press the shortcut, focus will be set to the (Select All) checkbox in the list box.

Therefore, it's probably best to get used to using Tab to get there since it works in all situations. Down Arrow opens that menu and selects each item.

There is an additional drop-down menu to search by Year, Month, Date. However, if the column contains dates then you need to press Tab twice. Down Arrow will probably be easier since you just pressed Down Arrow to open the filter menu. You can use either the Down Arrow or Tab keys. So the full keyboard shortcut is: Alt+Down Arrow, E, Tab (or Down Arrow) If you want to jump down to the checkbox list below the Search box, you can just press Tab after Alt+Down Arrow, E. What a time saver! Bonus – Jump to the Checkbox List Now I can do the same thing in one step by pressing the letter “E”. This required me to press the down arrow key 7 times to get to the search box. Prior to learning this I was using the down arrow key to get to the search box. I just learned this shortcut and it is my new favorite because it makes it so fast to type and filter exactly what you are looking for in the list. This places the cursor in the search box and you can begin typing your search.Īlt+Down+Arrow+E is the shortcut to open the filter drop down menu and jump directly to the search box. When the filter drop down menu is open, you can press the letter “E” on the keyboard to jump to the search box.